

So today I spent the evening at Kathy's house. I stayed back a little later than usual to...


Believe me, I don't normally bake. I used to say that I would burn the house down if I bake. Even if there is no fire involved.

Anyway, Kathy managed to convince me and we started baking. After searching for a recipe (chocolate chip cookies, obviously) online, we started work.

I was way too excited, seriously. When Kathy was done measuring the chocolate chips, as she was measuring the other ingredients, I kept sneaking in handfuls of chocolate chips. It's okay, we had so much. 
Just look at them! Who can resist?

After measuring all the things, we beat the mixture and got cookie dough! :D 

Ta-da! I kept sneaking in bits of dough too, until Kathy reminded me that there were uncooked eggs in them.
Then I stopped. 
After scooping spoonfuls of dough onto the baking sheets, we popped two trays into the oven. 
by this time, I was beyond excited.
Soon after that, the aroma of freshly baked cookies filled the kitchen. Nommm.

Anyway, we kind of messed up a bit on the temperature and the duration so the first batch was a little soft. So we raised the temperature and the duration and the second batch got slightly burnt. Slowly, we switched around the temperatures and the duration and we got it just right. Yay! 
Chocolate chip haven!
Between batches, Kathy and I were slightly high from the sugar content in the cookies, so we kind of laughed and joked non-stop. It was fun :D And she also gave me two containers of cookies to take home.
Mom tried them and said they were nice. Woo! 

So there was my evening. Quite productive, considering the fact that I had planned to do nothing today because MONTHLY TESTS ARE OVER! *cue celebration*

Anyway, it's 12:23 a.m. now and it is the 18th of May. This means that it is the birthday of my funny, slightly clumsy, cray-cray, bookworm of a friend, Ms Florence Chieng! Thanks for all those entertaining times you've spent with me ;) 


found this picture of the two of us and thought it was pretty cute. HAHA.
Love you, Flor. x 


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