
nosey problems

My nose and the entire area around it feel like they're on fire. Bright red and hurting. 

Been having this cold since Thursday and my body system is out of wack. I have NO idea how weak my immune system is, but I know for sure that I've been sick more than fice (that's once, twice, thrice, frice and fice?) since December 2012.

And yay, it's twenty-thirteen and I'm turning the BIG ONE-FIVE this seventeenth, and I'm really excited 'cause I've got friends coming over for a sleepover on the day before. All eight of them. 

But at the moment, I've got to study like a mad fish for a religious studies test I'm taking this Monday, because I skipped it on Friday. Had to come home early because I was way too sick to take the test.

Recorded a cover of Titanium with Resha yesterday, after re-recording a video for Good Time for CapenTV  (that's just a compilation of videos that we're playing at my dad's music centre). Now I'm just here in Capen, stuck listening to the same few songs by ThePianoGuys, Sungha Jung, Resha and I and a demo drum video. 

Tried to take a nap after obeying my momma and taking some flu medicine. But guess what? That darn blocked nose kind of prevented any oxygen from going into my lungs via my nostrils, so I had to breathe through my mouth and GUESS HOW UNCOMFORTABLE THAT IS. My lips are now all dry and cracked, no thanks to my glorious cold. 

So I'm wearing my brother's oversized hoodie and feeling warm and cosy...

AND YAY GOOD TIME IS PLAYING ON CAPENTV AGAIN. (sense my overload of sarcasm)

Got to blow my nose

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