
15 - OVER

[The fifteenth entry in April 2016's A-to-Z Blogging Challenge.]


- a limerick -

Just a niggling thought
With all her strength she fought
Against this speck
That seemed to wreck
It left her exhausted and wrought

Get over it, she told her mind
Drowned her sorrows in figurative wine
It was such a chore
To feel this sore
She kept telling herself to be kind

This darned thought picked at her soul
It left her feeling unbearably cold
She pushed it away
It returned the next day
And pummeled her a thousand fold

Please leave, she commanded this thought
But the thought had its own will, so it did not
It stayed right there
Like it did not care
How it seemed to cause our poor friend to rot

Just so pitifully she remained in this pit
As this thought killed her bit by bit
Frustrated was she
Who just wanted to see
Her poor self just get over it.


  1. Thanks! I like limericks. Unwanted thoughts can be persistent.

    1. thanks! glad you enjoyed it. I love limericks too! :D and yes, how annoying those thoughts can be. *cries*
