

Every person's life needs more celebration in the little moments. We celebrate birthdays, graduation, marriages, and all of life's big days, but have we forgotten to jump for joy at the smallest of victories?

Being a children's teacher gives tons of experience with celebrating the little triumphs. There's high-fives all around, the ever-so-encouraging 'great job!' and of course the universal cheer and pat on the back. Smiles are everywhere. The kids are pushed on to do their best, so every little thing counts. 

There's so many little things worth celebrating when in a classroom of young children. When a child completes his first ever jigsaw puzzle without any help. When a child finishes the first book in the reader series. When a little girl learns to tie her own shoes. When the boy with special needs says 'good morning' without prompt. When the kids clean up after themselves during snack time. Victories, victories everywhere. 

It just reminds us how often we overlook all the amazing things that happen to us every day. Instead, we complain, we grumble, we fume over the little issues that upset us. We stress out over all our responsibilities and break down under the immense pressures of school or work. We forget that just like these kids, we too can find joys in life that are worth celebrating. We forget that these small celebrations are what makes a a good day. 

Every day, it has become a habit for me to pick out every little good thing and celebrate it. When you see your loved ones laugh. When a corny pun is shared. When inside jokes are created. When you overcome your fear of cockroaches. When you discover money in the pocket of the jeans you wore last week. When you learn something new about a friend. When ideas are exchanged. When you wake up healthy, alive and well. When you realise that tons of people are still loving you, are friends with you and care for you no matter how rotten you feel. 

You know, perhaps good days are not too far off. 

// Have a blessed thanksgiving! :)

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