
To God; for Grandma.

Dear God;

You are healer
for it is this healing from Your own wounds
that allows her wounds to heal
it is this healing
that gets her heart beating
it is this healing
that lets her blood flow
and it is this healing
that helps her breathe once again

You are protector
for it is this protection
that saves her from the grasp of evil
it is this protection
that covers her body with immunity
and it is this protection
that hovers over her frailness

You are peace
for it is this peace
that calms her anxious soul
it is this peace
that accompanies her through the nights
it is this peace
that allows her to smile
and it is this peace
that makes her loved ones feel secure

You are provider
for it is this provision
that pays for what she needs
it is this provision
that eradicates the fear of the dollar sign
and it is this provision
that ensures there is no anxiety of debt

You are strength
for it is this strength
that guides her way to recovery
it is this strength
that supports her when she sits up
it is this strength
that lifts her up to take her first steps
and it is this strength
that gives her the courage to trust

You are joy
for it is this joy
that puts the smile on her face
it is this joy
that her family brings into the room
it is this joy
that allows her to tell stories like she used to
and it is this joy
that enables her brave spirit to never be dampened

And most importantly:
You are love
for it is this love
that fills her heart and soul
it is this love
that her children unconditionally give
it is this love
that brings joy, strength, peace
and it is this love
that provides, protects and heals

Dear God,
thank You for never leaving Grandma's side
and I hope, someday, she will never leave Yours

In Jesus' most powerful Name I pray;