This is the age of screens and devices
Internet addiction is one of our worst vices
Social media is ruling the minds
Of the young, of the old, of the whole humankind
Dinnertime occurs in total quiet
When everybody seems like they're on a diet
Of at least five hours of internet a day
When at the dinner table they've nothing to say
They're on Facebook or tweeting happily
"At a nice dinner with my lovely family!"
When they're just at dinner with their phones and screens
The parents, the children, and of course, the teens
Parents don't know that there is no education
When their kids are occupied with iPads and not conversation
On a profile photo we strive to achieve a hundred likes
When a moment of insecurity of our beauty strikes
When a 'like' can be a sign of approval
When not enough 'likes' results in the picture's removal
What has our worth become today
When self-portraits are all we have to display?
Really, is breakfast something so great?
Do people actually want to know what you ate?
Captions are overrun with hash-tagged words
That don't even make sense in the grammatical world
The most popular videos are challenges and games
Stuffing marshmallows into your mouth is the only aim
Or maybe just eating mysterious foods from tin cans
Or even how much cinnamon you can withstand
Where has all the content gone?
Of inspirational messages and brains, not brawn?
Where's the clean humour, music, poetry, dance?
Instead, pointless arguments between hateful fans
Gay marriage, the Bible, controversies and more
Suddenly everyone has an opinion; unnecessary uproar
The YouTube comment section is notoriously savage
A place where everyone is safe within their own cage
Of their bedrooms, behind screens, where no one can see
How cowardly you are, how ignorant you can be
Just posting opinions that change almost nothing
When hateful remarks do nothing but sting
The people who are attacked and bullied online
In real life they keep saying, "Yes, I'm fine."
But nobody knows how bullying can kill
A person's soul, a person's will
To live, to love, to do, to be
When death is the only option they can see
When likes don't reach the maximum
When self-esteem is at its minimum
When a life is sucked into the internet
When a youth lives with nothing but regret
When a parent and child have no bond
When blue ticks are seen but no one responds
That's when you realise
The internet ruins.