
Thomas the Frog

After what seems like FOREVER, I have finally accumulated enough motivation to BLOG AGAIN :D 

So hello everyone! 

Saturday, 17 Aug
After my dad's music school closed for the day, my family headed for some formal business dinner, so they dropped me off at Kathy's house. It was fun because we finally managed to record a long-awaited cover! ;D 

Click on the link to watch She Will Be Loved cover by Kathy and I :) 

Oh and btw, I was the first passenger of hers to sit in front ;) yay for driving friends! Haha. 

Yesterday (Thursday, 22 Aug)

Warning: Disturbing pictures ahead. If you have a weak stomach, please do not continue reading.

My school made a trip to Sunway University for lab experiments. It was Biology & Physics experiment day, but I only take Biology. All of us (ok fine, MOST of us) were ridiculously excited to do something that we've been waiting for our entire lives: 


Anyway, when we arrived at the uni, the physics students did their thing, while we non-physics students did our thing. We had fun teasing and laughing at our juniors who were in the lab for the first time, but I think the juniors this year didn't break any apparatus. Good for them. (Yes, I broke a couple of things last year.)
Das lab :)

Das test tubes from the food tests

After lunch, it was time to dissect the frog. Ms Joyce, our bio teacher, brought in an entire bucket of chloroform-ed frogs. She gave each of us a metal tray with a slab of wax in it, together with a bunch of equipment to slice up the poor frogs.  

And then she slapped a frog onto our tray. 

*cue squeals*

Apparently the frogs were bought from a restaurant. Yum. Name of frog: Thomas. 

Ms Joyce demonstrated the first steps of dissecting the frog, which was to slice the skin open and then cut through the muscles. Oh, and do you know that Thomas has EIGHT (very visible) ABS? Whut. 

Das frog, all cut open and gross. It's kinda cool though. Here you can see the heart, the liver, the stomach, the intestines, the gall bladder and the lungs. Yup. 

Fun fact: a frog's tongue is attached at the front, unlike a human's. That's why it looks so long! Deceived

And then we proceeded to flip it so that we could take out the brain. Unfortunately, the brain was too small, the skull was too hard, and we couldn't locate the brain. Seriously, the frog's brain is so small. 

BUT there was something kinda revolting that we found. At the end of the large intestine is the rectum, where poop is stored. THOMAS' RECTUM WAS ACTUALLY HARD AND FULL OF POOP. Poor thing! He didn't even get to shit before he fainted. 

Thomas is watching. 

And then in the process of finding the brain, we poked out the eyes. They're kinda pretty O: 

Das me with the frog. 

Unfortunately, I am unable to upload videos on this blog for some reason, so feel free to visit my Instagram profile to watch a video of the beating heart of the frog, even after all that dissecting. The coolest part was that the heart continued pumping like crazy even AFTER WE DETACHED THE HEART FROM THE FROG'S BODY. Dangggg. 

Here, something pretty-looking after all the gory pictures. Here's a test tube of all the food tests results combined, done by Michael. It was unintentional, apparently. But it looks cool. (Y)

* * *

So yeah, those were the highlights of my week. Of course, I totally left out my vacation on a cruise, the SuperStar Libra, and in Phuket & Krabi, Thailand. I might blog about it in the posts to come. 

Stay tuned! :) 

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