
The Gap Between Her Thighs

She looked into the mirror to stare at herself
"I'm fat like a pig, short like an elf,"
She said with dismay and stared some more
"I need a facial to close those pores"
She glared at her nose, upturned and round 
She glared at her tummy: "I gained a few pounds" 
She didn't like talking, she hated her voice
To her, it was just unbearable noise
Her thighs mocked her; between them was no space
She hated her hair, she hated her face
Her body was damaging her self-esteem
She really wasn't confident as she might seem

But what she doesn't know is that it doesn't matter
If your waist and your thighs are "so much fatter" 
Because there are things deep within
Under all those flaws and all that sin
A character that can flourish and grow
A personality that makes her eyes glow
"I love your laugh," her best friend says
Her daddy tells her she has a sweet face
Her doctor says that her legs are strong
"As for your health, there's nothing wrong."
Her mother says that she has healthy hair
And as for her eyes: they were an expressive pair
Her teacher praised her for her intelligent brain
"She works hard in school and behaves like a saint
She has a kind heart and smiles all day
She knows where she stands and doesn't easily sway"
If only she knew how much she mattered
Then she wouldn't feel as bruised and battered
If only she could understand that beauty inside
Is worth much more than the gap between her thighs


College Life Thus Far.

Guess it's about time to give my blog a little resuscitation, or at least put it on life support. Seriously though; I've just realised how much I miss writing and blogging. It's been quite a while since any personal posts on updates and feels, and I thought it would be a good way to bring my blog back to life once again. (I mean, after all, somebody paid for my "cachenny.com"; might as well use it, right?)

College life has had its ups and downs, but mostly ups. No regrets enrolling here, that's for sure. The days in college usually go by real quick, and when I happen to miss a day of college, it feels a little wrong. What with regular birthday celebrations for friends, camps, spontaneous hangouts, strange little dress-up days, and even an all-around-KL treasure hunt, I can safely say my time in MCKL has so far been wonderful.
MCKL dress-up week: Dress like a sir
MCKL dress-up week: Inside Out & Mismatched

MCKL 11th Annual Treasure Hunt - with Natsumi
1. Stick to your partner.
2. Stay alert and look out for your partner!
3. Call me maybe ;)
But the greatest highlight, really, was being elected into the Student Council. It was a dream of mine ever since I found out councils that represent the student body existed, and it was surely a dream come true. The transition between the previous Council and the one now was smooth, aided by the preparation period for Midsummerfest 2014, a college-wide event to serve as a welcome party for the July intake students as well as a general fun time for everyone. The first thing we were told to do after being elected was this: "Guys, we're going to dance."

With that being said, we got to work practising the moves for our supposed flashmob, which was a joint performance between the old and the new Council. At the same time, we were invited to stay back with the old Council to help out with MSF decorations. It was the perfect way to get to know one another without any awkwardness, because we were actually given things to do.

Just one part of the decorations that we did :)

Here's us: MCKL SC, Aug 2014 - Mar 2015.

We also had our cohort photoshoot! It was pretty nice seeing everyone come together, 'cause our cohort is actually the biggest in our intake. (Still not as large as other intakes though.)

few of us here being blocked by the paper cranes,
but I hope their faces can be seen in the official photo :P

AS-Level exams are in October, and my last trial paper is tomorrow (Friday, 12 Sept '14). I guess there have been times where I've felt a little overwhelmed, stressed, even, but I would call it a good kind of stress. I've grown, mentally, emotionally, even physically (?) over the past few months that I've been so unforgivably MIA from blogging.

It was crazy surprising when I got chosen as the secretary of the council, after I ran for president and probably failed miserably (LOL). Secreterial and administrative tasks are definitely not my thing, and organising and keeping things nicely arranged are even worse, but I'm willing to take on the challenge, and the past month has been pretty smooth (I think). 

All thanks to the assistant secretary, Sara, for helping me tons and not judging my irresponsible-ness (is there such a word?), and also Marcus and Jinghann, the President & Vice President, for constructive criticism and really supporting all of us. Can foresee an amazing friendship among the twenty-four of us and I hope we all bloom to be even stronger, greater, smarter and more caring people than we were before.

And as for my current girlfriends, a big shoutout to you guys for knowing the crazy Council duties and not isolating me, but for being concerned and understanding when I have to suddenly ditch you guys. It's really been comforting to know I have such caring friends who never leave even when I did. I once raised this issue generally to another friend by saying, "Sometimes I feel bad for ditching them all the time for Council duties." She replied, "If they were your true friends, they would understand."

Guess they are ;)