It's June already! Time flies.
This week mainly consisted of math, add math, piano and more add math. I think a small part of my brain has already exploded from the three continuous nights of Additional Mathematics holiday homework. Well, on the bright side, at least I finished it! :D
Also, these few days, I've been grabbing the chance to practice my piano since I kind of have nothing else to do. Three days in a row, I just played scales. Just to get the feel back into my fingers. This morning, I woke up with an aching left hand. Have I mentioned that my left hand is weaker than my right?
This two weeks, I've also started on an (for once) adult novel,
Still Alice by Lisa Genova.
It's about a fifty-year-old woman with early-onset Alzheimer's disease, and man, this book is depressing. But Lisa Genova has some good writing skills; easy to read, but filled with emotion and meaning. I'm halfway through and I'm hooked. As you can see, it's a New York Times Bestseller. This book didn't get the award for nothing.
So tomorrow's a big day! On the 6th of June, 2013, at 9 a.m., my classmates and I are going to take our IGCSE Malay Language written exam, Paper 2. We don't take Paper 1. Paper 3 is the oral test and we already did that few months back. Paper 4 is the essay paper which is held on Monday, 10th of June. This is sad because the 10th of June is supposedly our first day at CCC, but we have the exam. So we STILL don't get to see our classrooms when school reopens.
I'm way less nervous as compared to how I felt before the oral exam. But then again, I'm better at written Malay, but ultra-bad-until-it's-embarrassing at spoken Malay. I'm maybe a quarter fluent at Malay. Or one-fifth. I don't know.
Oh, and my family went on a vacation to Penang and Hatyai (yes, Thailand) and we took tons of photos. But we had no idea where our photos went. We just found them two days ago, yay!
Here's a throwback photo from our Penang trip, December 2012.
yup. |